I have kept a capsule wardrobe for the last several years without even knowing there was a name for it! Now building these small but highly functionable wardrobes seems to be on trend.
Here’s how to build a capsule wardrobe.
What is A Capsule Wardrobe?
Before we get started just a quick lesson on what a capsule wardrobe actually is.
A capsule wardrobe is a set of clothes that are classic, high quality and never go out of style. With these few basic items you can incorporate seasonal pieces to make dozens of outfits.
Here’s how to get started.
Get Rid of Everything You Don’t Love, Need or Wear
Your first step is to pull everything you own out of your closet and dressers and start purging. Get rid of absolutely everything you don’t love, need or wear.
If something doesn’t fit, get rid of it. If it is holey or stained, get rid of it. If it went out of style a decade ago, get rid of it.
Only keep the items you actually wear.
Not sure what you’re really wearing on a regular basis? Try the hanger challenge. Place everything in your closet that you think you wear but turn the hangers so they’re facing backwards. Revisit your closet in a month and get rid of anything that is still on a backwards facing hanger.
Go High Quality on the Basics
Once you’ve pared down your clothing take inventory of your basics. You should have a couple pair of high quality jeans, a couple basic dresses, a few neutral camisoles, and any other basics that you wear on a regular basis.
If you don’t have the basics covered be sure to opt for high quality pieces that fit well and will last for a long time.
Fill in the Gaps
Now that you have the basics that you love in place you can fill in the gaps with a few seasonal pieces that you can mix and match to make multiple outfits. Make sure you choose items that fit you well and that you’ll actually wear!
The whole point of a capsule wardrobe is to stick with the staples and create a closet that contains only items that get used.
Do you have a capsule wardrobe? Why or why not?