If you find yourself spending mass amounts of money on your caffeine addiction here are a few ways to save money on coffee.
Make it At Home
Obvious, right? Definitely worth mentioning though.
If you’re currently breaking yourself purchasing Starbucks every day then invest in a nice coffee maker and portable coffee cup if you don’t have one. Plus, you don’t have to give up on your favorite delicious flavors as companies like Iron and Fire sell flavored coffee beans to enhance that morning cuppa! It shouldn’t take you long to recoup that investment if you start skipping the daily takeout coffee.
Buy in Bulk
While I think buying in bulk is a terrible idea for many household goods, coffee is not one of them.
People who drink coffee normally drink a whole lot of it. It just becomes a daily routine. If that sounds like you then by all means, see how much money you can save by buying in bulk.
Try Different Brands
When it comes to coffee I try not to be brand loyal. There are some brands that I definitely can’t stomach but there are also many brands I do like. The problem normally stems from buying flavors that aren’t close to what I normally drink.
For instance, if you like medium roast then don’t buy the light roast of another brand. Get the medium roast!
If you’re offered free coffee at work or from a family member or friend, take a cup. See if you like it. If you do ask what brand it is and then check on the costs.
Price Compare
I do a lot of price comparing among the three places I normally shop. For me, it just so happens that my Kroger has the cheapest coffee. That could be totally different for you.
Price compare.
Drink Free Coffee at Work
If you’re offered free coffee at work then take it! There’s no need to go pay $5 a cup at Starbucks if you have access to the stuff for free.
Use K-Cups Twice
I love K-Cups. If I brew a larger batch of coffee it will end up getting all nasty before I need my second cup and I’ll then have to dump it down the drain. Total waste.
If you use K-Cups try using them twice. I always use my K-Cups twice. I like my coffee STRONG and I barely notice a difference on that second cup.
As with most things in life you can get the cost of coffee down by making very small sacrifices. If you’re barely on budget then these sacrifices are probably well worth making.
Do you have any tips for saving on coffee?
We try to keep our taste in coffee simple by buying large containers at Sam’s Club. A year or two ago I compared the cost of K cups to the old standby of Folger’s and I was amazed at the price difference.