I have to admit. Personal finance is not the only thing that interests me. Luckily I work in computing and absolutely love technology. I’ve mentioned before that I could easily spend everything I’ve got on electronics and computers. Our house has a high “PC to person” ratio, mostly because I’ve got a few older machines besides our current ones. I justify the money that I
NetworthIQ Coming Along Nicely
Those guys over at NetworthIQ (assuming they are “guys”) are making good progress. Not only can you input your net worth and make it public or private, but you can also now compare your networth with others that have made their profiles public. You can sort by:AgeIncomeEducationOccupation You can also view the most popular, and highest net worth individuals. Good stuff. The more we can
New Millionaire in the Making
http://money.cnn.com/2005/07/25/pf/millionaire/rp_johnson/index.htm CNN Money has a new Millionaire in the making profile. These folks are doing VERY well. Might have something to do with their very nice income level, but it’s obviously also due to their aggressive savings rates. I know most people that make their income level, also spend at that level. Congratulations to them for figuring this out early! Check it out
Articles and Resources for Teaching Kids about Money
I wanted to follow up my post from the carnival of personal finance with more articles and some resources for teaching kids about money. Below you’ll find a few articles about how the tide seems to be slowly turning towards getting our kids prepared for their financial lives. The last link has lots of resources to take it the next step. Ideas to make your
Links for you to Love
*Updated* — New link added:http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story.asp?guid=%7BD9EABCCE%2D59A4%2D4E71%2DB414%2D7D6283F17D2F%7D&siteid=mktw&dist=What can I say. Everybody loves your money. More profit for them, means more of your money in their pocket. Credit card spending is up, and AMEX has an increased number of customers. Glad it isn’t me. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/233883_boomers25.htmlThe first of the official baby boomers just became eligible to retire. Let all the worry about the economy begin now. My guess is
Blogging on a Saturday Night
Normally, I’d say it’s a cheap night if I’m home putting up some ramblings on my blog, although, the catch tonight is that my wife is out with a couple girlfriends from college. Probably won’t be too expensive though. She doesn’t drink much and is always watching her spending, so I can’t complain. Time to Ebay a few things. I just got a heck of
Links for you to Love
http://money.cnn.com/2005/07/22/pf/ask_expert/index.htmThis article addresses the reality of many, many people in our society. What do you do if you are nearing retirement and you haven’t started saving for retirement yet? This is a perfect example of the value of educating young people in high school about compound interest and what a drastic difference you can make in your retirement by saving early. http://money.cnn.com/2005/07/20/pf/shopper_0508/index.htmA few other bloggers
Reader Query – What do you think?
I have read so many different personal finance blogs, and left quite a few comments because I find it really interesting to have dialogue with others that share my interest in personal finance. In an attempt to create more dialogue, I thought I’d post questions once in awhile for everyone to answer by leaving comments. I’m hoping to find that the most interesting items to
My Client is NOT GUILTY
Your honor. The charges against my client are ridiculous. All the evidence is circumstancial. The paint? What paint? Oh, that paint? Uhhhh, he simply fell in a puddle of gold paint. That has nothing to do with these paint sniffing charges:http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/0721051gold1.html Okay, so it has nothing to do with personal finance, but I did find it funny.
My Experiences that have led me to where I am
Jonathon at Mymoneyblog had a really good post that described his background. He got a lot of comments from that post and it was pretty apparent that people found his background interesting. (I know I did) I thought I’d post my background to give people an idea of who is blogging here. I come from a blue collar family from Washington state. My family owned