What Is Jaclyn Hill’s Net Worth?
- Name: Jaclyn Hill
- Age: 27
- Net Worth: Est. $1.5 million
- Income Sources: ad revenue, endorsements, the Jaclyn Hill collection, various products sold and promoted
Hill carried a dream at 18 years old to launch her own makeup collection. She began saving money as a professional makeup artist, but it wasn’t until 2011 that she struck gold by sharing her knowledge with the world on YouTube.
There’s no doubt that building her business in such a new and competitive industry took hard work, but it’s also easy to see why she has amassed such a large following. Her down-to-earth personality, blooper reels, and humorous candor make her very likable. Plus, she’s clearly passionate about her craft.
Also, Hill’s tutorials pass what virtual mentor, Michael Hyatt, calls the “What’s In It For Me?” test. She makes her videos fun and picks topics that highly relevant for her viewers. For example, one of Hill’s most popular videos “Smokey Cat Eye Tutorial” has been viewed over 14 million times. It’s no wonder. I’m all thumbs when it comes to makeup, but even I wanted to slap on some Scotch tape and fake eyelashes to try this one out.
This isn’t a video of me trying it (don’t be alarmed). You can see Hill’s popular Smokey Cat Eye Tutorial below.
Jaclyn Hill’s Income Streams
I always think it’s interesting to study the income streams of successful online entrepreneurs. The reason is because they are so various, and many of them didn’t even exist 20 years ago. For example, Matt Haag – also known as “Optic Nadeshot” online – became a millionaire at 22 years old from playing video games. His income streams include things like:
- Winning game tournaments
- Sponsorships
- Ad revenue for his popular YouTube videos (many of which simply display his screen and his narration while he plays video games.)
To read my full report on Optic Nadeshot’s net worth click here.
Posting a few videos of your favorite hobbies won’t give you the required income to quit your day job, however. People like Nadeshot and Hill turned themselves into a brand and worked endlessly to grow that presence.
For example, here are some of Hill’s successful income streams that became more profitable as her name gained greater establishment in the industry:
- Ad revenue on YouTube (many videos are now in the “million views” bracket)
- Endorsement deals with popular companies whose clientele matches Hill’s audience
- Product sales. Hill’s dream of launching her own line of makeup became a reality in 2016 when she launched the Jaclyn Hill Collection. Its first feature was lipstick, and if her success thus far has taught us anything, it’s that her first collection will be a home run.
Hill tapped into the new frontier of online branding, and, as branding guru, Gary Vaynerchuk, would say, she’s crushing it.
Want to learn more about how YouTube celebrities make their income? Check out how Cassey Ho made her first million as a fitness instructor on YouTube.
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