Happy Sunday morning to you. Here are a few links I came across this morning: Retire in paradise, whatever that might mean to you: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2003948199_overseas14.html Not enough to retire? Start a home based business. 10 million other people are: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2003948225_sellathome14.html 1 in 5 families are struggling to make ends meet: http://www.marketwatch.com/News/Story/even-jobs-41-million-americans/story.aspx?guid=%7BC5F1A412%2DD153%2D4477%2D96DE%2D9CEA8CA63DCB%7D Are credit cards the next major crisis? http://www.baltimoresun.com/business/bal-bz.hancock10oct10001523,0,987590.column?coll=bal_business_util MadameX
What Have I Gone and Done?
If you are a long time reader of ELYM you know that I tend to make some rather “out of character” moves now and then. Usually these out of character moves have to do with automobiles. If I was smart, I think I’d just sell everything and head on over to become an Amish man or a Mennonite. At least in their culture, there is
Net Worth By Age – $2 Million Goal
So, one million isn’t enough for you, right? I know it’s not enough for me. I know I need much more than that. Will $2 million cover you in retirement? If so, are you on the right path to meet that goal? About how much money should you have at your age? Age 21: $0 Age 32: $77989 Age 43: $279236 Age 54: $798538
Want To Own A McDonalds?
File this one under “amusing time waster”: http://www.mcvideogame.com/game-eng.html Someone took the time to build a Mcdonalds simulation. I’m sure the folks at McDonalds aren’t very happy about it but if you give it 10 minutes, I think you’ll find it’s a bit addictive. I was able to make decent money but I kept having to deal with pathetic employees, environmental groups, health conscious consumers, earth
What Should Your Net Worth Be – By Age
I always like to know if I’m on the right path and on schedule with my investing and saving. I normally keep a spreadsheet of what my net worth needs to be at various points along my journey. I use this as one of many tools to see if I’m making good decisions about saving, investing and avoiding purchases. We each have a unique number
Building A House Is Expensive
Uggggh. I just got the bill for the sheet rock. It was over $2000. That’s just for materials, delivery and staging of the sheetrock. I’ll also be having to pay upwards of $2000 to have it all hung and mud/tape/textured. I was hoping to get through sheetrock with less than $3000 in total cost. Needless to say, the wallet is feeling rather light these days.
Extreme Rich – Poor Divides
Here’s an interesting link to pictures from various countries showing how close the ultra poor and the not so ultra poor live. It’s interesting to me that a simple street is sometimes the only divide. http://deputy-dog.com/2007/09/19/extreme-rich-poor-divides/?/
Kmart Bans Family From Store
Whether this letter is legit or not, it still made me laugh. It’s definitely worth reading. I think my favorite one is that he put packages of condoms in unsuspecting shopper’s carts.
Lottery Winner Refuses His Winnings
We’ve got the people who blow every bit of their lottery winnings in record time. Then there was Brad Duke, who is turning his lottery winnings in to a much larger sum. And then there is the 70 year old man from Hamelin, who won over 2 million euros and is refusing to take the money. That’s something I never thought I’d hear. It is
Am I Going To Lose My House?
I don’t know about you, but the news these days is freaking craaaaaaazy. From the sounds of it, I may lose my house at any moment and have to wash dishes at a sleazy strip joint where they serve steaks for $5.99. (Because, let’s face it, no matter how bad the economy gets, guys will still go to strip joints and who doesn’t like a